Forward Head Posture FIX (EFISP)

Product Description
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For men and women who want to get rid of their texting neck, fix their posture in order to move, sleep and breathe better.

Your neck is designed to remain vertical, supporting the weight of your skull in a perfect line from the top of your head straight down through your body to your feet.

When you look at yourself in the mirror from the side, your ear, your shoulder and your hips should all be in a straight line down to the floor. If it is unaligned and your ear is in front of your shoulders, it's a sure sign of forward head posture.

You see, the average head weighs 10-12 lbs. When your head sits perfectly upon your neck and shoulders, the body naturally adapts to holding this weight.

But if your head is constantly pulled forward, the weight of your head pulls on your neck and puts pressure on your spine.

When your head is pulled forward the additional pressure on your neck, shoulders and back rises dramatically causing serious tissue damage. In fact, every inch your head is thrust forward from its natural position adds another 10 lbs of stress on the neck, shoulders, back and spine.

It’s why you may have developed that ugly ‘hump’ below your neck; to combat the stress of holding your head up, the body’s reaction has been to build-up bone and fat tissue to compensate and protect the spine at the C7 vertebrae.

Forward head posture doesn’t just leave you looking awkward… No matter how hard you train or how well you eat, unless you start fixing your head posture right now, it may not be possible to reverse the damage already done.


Introducing Forward Head Posture FIX


This program includes 10 simple exercises that will instantly restore balance to your posture making you physically stronger, mentally sharper and achieve peak performance.


When you eliminate forward head posture, you:

  • achieve peak performance with greater lung capacity and optimized hormones.
  • appear to be 10 lbs lighter and 2 inches taller.
  • train harder, heavier and gain strength faster than you thought possible.
  • are more focused and clear-thinking.
  • protect your spine from wear and tear.
  • breathe and sleep better without snoring.
  • increase your confidence so you're not self-conscious.


When you order Forward Head Posture FIX, you will receive a physical DVD and manual in the mail, as well as instant access to the program online. 

The video portion of the program is split into three sections: the first is a Coaching Instructional Video beginning with an explanation from Rick about what the following exercise is designed to do, how to execute it with best form and what you should feel throughout the move.

In the second video, we’ve provided a Follow Along format designed so you can perform the movement at the same time as the video with the explanation stripped out.

In the third video, you'll find exercise swaps that include progressions and regressions to make the movements either harder or easier for you depending on what you need.

The video sequences are powerful, but it’s the supplementary manual that goes deeper into the underlying causes behind forward head posture, why leaving it untreated can cause long-lasting damage to your health and how you can instantly slam the brakes on the damage you’re doing to your spine and neck.


In just 15 minutes a day, you’ll experience incredible results that will make an immediate difference to your health and how you look in the mirror.


Discovering the techniques and sequential flow outlined in detail in the manual, you can start the process of bringing your body back into alignment, good health and strength with detailed descriptions of the exact exercise movements with pictures.

You'll also receive 2 POWERFUL BONUSES in your online access to the program! 

Bonus 1: Lower Back Pain Lifestyle Audit

To stay healthy and strong in the future, it’s vital to understand the lifestyle factors associated with back and neck pain so you can eliminate them.

The Lower Back Pain Lifestyle Audit is a fact-packed video presentation that helps you instantly identify those factors at home or at work causing the problem.

Bonus 2: 10 Best Natural Sleep Solutions

The 10 Best Natural Sleep Solutions is a practical guide to having your best night’s sleep ever — giving you more energy and greater vitality — without medication. Within the reports pages you’ll discover 10 of the best ways to get the sleep you’ve always longed for so you can start every day feeling your strongest and most energetic ever.


Get Forward Head Posture FIX today and say goodbye to text neck, back pain and ugly posture for good! 


Q: How long until I see results?

Although everyone is different and will experience different results, many people experience pain reduction and increased range of motion within 7 days.


Q: Is this program just more exercises that I have to do?

Yes, and no. Most fitness and health professionals take a shotgun approach to exercises for injuries. They keep giving you more and more exercises, hoping they will help. We don’t do that. EFI programs include only the exercises you need. We often recommend you do them in a specific sequence and we give you precise instructions on how many repetitions and sets you need to do. Our programs have been carefully designed, based on scientific research and real-world testing, and it is a SYSTEM that has already worked for other people. There will be no guesswork or confusion on your part – everything is laid out clearly and easy for you to follow. 


Q: Can I use this program if I’ve had an injury or surgery?

It is always our advice to ask your surgeon or doctor first to see if this program is suitable for you. 

If you have any concerns about your health and fitness, please consult with your doctor to confirm that it is safe for you to do the exercises.


Q: Are the stretches and movements difficult to perform?

Not at all. These are simple and natural movements that you will easily “get” after one or two viewings of the videos. And each stretch, movement and exercise is very gentle.


Q: Do I have to watch all of the videos all in one sitting?

No, you can watch the videos whenever you like (even at 3 am), do parts and pieces whenever you have time, do everything at your own pace, and revisit any aspects of the videos anytime.


Q: Can I watch the videos on my smartphone or tablet?

Absolutely – the videos are in M4V format that can be viewed on any computer, tablet or smartphone.


Q: What if I have additional questions?

For product inquiries and other concerns, you can chat directly with our Customer Care specialists by clicking the Support chat button at the bottom right corner of this page. We are here to assist you 24 hours a day.


You can also send an email to, or call 1-888-291-2430 (toll free in the USA and Canada), or send SMS to 1-888-229-4992, and we will get back to you within 1 business day. When emailing or sending a message, please include the name and email address you used in placing your order and your order number.

Customer Reviews

Based on 7 reviews
Forward Head Posture Fix

FHPF is an excellent program. After decades at a computer job, I have FHP so bad that I'm having symptoms of Chiari Malformation where my the space for my spinal cord and brain stem is being restricted. Causing migraines, floaters, hearing deficit, balance issues and more. I've been to many doctors and practitioners before my 4th chiropractor (Upper Cervical Chiro) found the root of the problem: FHP. He adjusted C1 and C2 and now I'm using Rick's program to get my body back into alignment. Rick's program is excellent - I highly recommend it. I only wish there was an add-on course to this to include the other 3 biggies affected by the desk job: weak abs, lazy gluts and immobile hip flexors.

Thanks for your awesome feedback, Marilyn! Rest assured that we'll always come up with good programs that will be beneficial to everyone. Have a wonderful day!

Sylvie M

Forward Head Posture FIX (EFISP)

Hi Sylvie! We really appreciate you taking the time to give us a 4-star rating for the program. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions, comments, or concerns. Take care!


When I walk, it is always the head that is noticeably forward. My wife said it is not good to look at. I also have a very bad posture. That's why we decided to buy this program. Fortunately it worked! My posture improved and my head is not that much forward now. Thank you so much!

Christoff Alfonso
Strong Upper Back & Neck to Massive Strength 💪🏼

Always had a Astoundingly Upper Body Strength since Childhood 💪🏼 This program improved 👏💪🏼 it with outstanding results. My dreams in becoming a Overhead Press Master is on the line, with this nothing is going to stop me now 😤😏 Thanks 😀

Thank you for your great feedback, Christoff! We are glad to know that you find our program with outstanding results. Rest assured that we'll always work hard in creating new programs that will be beneficial to everyone. Have a nice day.

Zobeeda Madsen
Priceless Program and Very Necessary with Modern Lifestyle for all Ages

I have suffered alot with my neck, shoulders, tendonitis after being attacked, and this has contributed to my forward head posture, which is causing tremendous strain on my neck and shoulders. I also became very concerned as my son who is 22 years old and has autism was developing forward head posture and rounded shoulders and is now getting progressive neck and shoulder probems. I have to say I see alot on youtube and got exercises from a physio for this problem, but they were all pretty much the same and did not help a great deal. This program offers way more, I mean way more, I learned exercises and got help I did not get anywhere else. Rick also explains in depth and clearly in instructional videos how to do the exercise and what to watch out for, this helped my son alot as he could see clearly what was going on visually. Then you have the follow along video where you can just follow along once you have understood and mastered the exercises, which is very helpful. Great job, in todays sedatory culture this is necessary for people of all ages.

Hi Zobeeda ! We are amazed how the program helps you with your neck, shoulder and even your tendinitis - Hope that this will also benefit to your son's head posture. We are glad that you already see the results. Don't hesitate to reach out if you have any more questions, comments and concerns. Take care!

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Customer Reviews

Based on 7 reviews
Forward Head Posture Fix

FHPF is an excellent program. After decades at a computer job, I have FHP so bad that I'm having symptoms of Chiari Malformation where my the space for my spinal cord and brain stem is being restricted. Causing migraines, floaters, hearing deficit, balance issues and more. I've been to many doctors and practitioners before my 4th chiropractor (Upper Cervical Chiro) found the root of the problem: FHP. He adjusted C1 and C2 and now I'm using Rick's program to get my body back into alignment. Rick's program is excellent - I highly recommend it. I only wish there was an add-on course to this to include the other 3 biggies affected by the desk job: weak abs, lazy gluts and immobile hip flexors.

Thanks for your awesome feedback, Marilyn! Rest assured that we'll always come up with good programs that will be beneficial to everyone. Have a wonderful day!

Sylvie M

Forward Head Posture FIX (EFISP)

Hi Sylvie! We really appreciate you taking the time to give us a 4-star rating for the program. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions, comments, or concerns. Take care!


When I walk, it is always the head that is noticeably forward. My wife said it is not good to look at. I also have a very bad posture. That's why we decided to buy this program. Fortunately it worked! My posture improved and my head is not that much forward now. Thank you so much!

Christoff Alfonso
Strong Upper Back & Neck to Massive Strength 💪🏼

Always had a Astoundingly Upper Body Strength since Childhood 💪🏼 This program improved 👏💪🏼 it with outstanding results. My dreams in becoming a Overhead Press Master is on the line, with this nothing is going to stop me now 😤😏 Thanks 😀

Thank you for your great feedback, Christoff! We are glad to know that you find our program with outstanding results. Rest assured that we'll always work hard in creating new programs that will be beneficial to everyone. Have a nice day.

Zobeeda Madsen
Priceless Program and Very Necessary with Modern Lifestyle for all Ages

I have suffered alot with my neck, shoulders, tendonitis after being attacked, and this has contributed to my forward head posture, which is causing tremendous strain on my neck and shoulders. I also became very concerned as my son who is 22 years old and has autism was developing forward head posture and rounded shoulders and is now getting progressive neck and shoulder probems. I have to say I see alot on youtube and got exercises from a physio for this problem, but they were all pretty much the same and did not help a great deal. This program offers way more, I mean way more, I learned exercises and got help I did not get anywhere else. Rick also explains in depth and clearly in instructional videos how to do the exercise and what to watch out for, this helped my son alot as he could see clearly what was going on visually. Then you have the follow along video where you can just follow along once you have understood and mastered the exercises, which is very helpful. Great job, in todays sedatory culture this is necessary for people of all ages.

Hi Zobeeda ! We are amazed how the program helps you with your neck, shoulder and even your tendinitis - Hope that this will also benefit to your son's head posture. We are glad that you already see the results. Don't hesitate to reach out if you have any more questions, comments and concerns. Take care!